Common terms you'll run into on the project.
Please add new terms as you come across them. If you don't know what something means, please ask — there's no embarrassment in not knowing a term.
Admin: Anyone with access to the back-end dashboard, roles and permissions are listed below.
Owner: Simple tech team members. Has all permissions listed below:
View Dashboard for all Organizations
View and Download the Overdue list (facility-wise)
View and update Adherence follow-ups
Manage Organizations, Facility groups and Facilities
Manage Admins
Manage Protocols
Manage Users and approve / deny their access to the Simple mobile app
Search Audit Logs
Organization Owner: Administrators for one or more Organizations, e.g. PATH admins. Has the same permissions as Owner, but limited to the organizations they control. They also can't add organizations.
Supervisor: Program supervisors, primarily CVHO and STS. Permissions limited to:
View Dashboard for Facilities that they have access to
View and Download the Overdue list (facility-wise)
View Facilities they have access to
Manage Users and approve / deny their access to the Simple mobile app
Analyst: People who just need dashboard data, e.g. an epidemiologist or health expert Permissions are read-only, limited to:
View Dashboard for Facilities they have access to (District page only, not User page
No overdue list or management access
Counselor: Call center employee or counselor who will follow up with the patient. Permissions limited to:
View and Update the Overdue list
View and Update Adherence follow-ups
No dashboard or management access
Blood Pressure (BP): Combination of systolic and diastolic BP readings in mm Hg
Recorded as Systolic/Diastolic
Ex. 120/80
BP medicines: Name(s) and dosage(s) of medication currently prescribed to a patient
BP passport: Physical ID provided to the patient
BP passport code: UUID printed on BP passport as a QR code, which can be scanned to find the patient.
BP passport short code: A 7-digit number that summarizes the UUID, which can be entered if the scanner does not work.
Business ID: IDs other than BP passport that may be associated with a patient (such as Driving License, State Health ID etc.)
Call list: Used interchangeably with overdue list
Clinic: Used interchangeably with Facility
DM: Diabetes mellitus (the clinical term for diabetes)
PHC (Primary Health Centre)
CHC (Community Health Centre)
District Hospital (or)
Any Public or Private Healthcare Facility
All Facilities are identified by a Facility ID
Users can be linked to one or more Facilities
Facility group: Group of one or more facilities
Users within a facility group sync patient data amongst themselves
Users outside a facility group do not sync data amongst themselves
Follow up list: List of all patients who have missed their appointment (including ones without a phone number). Displayed on the web dashboard.
HTN: Hypertension
ICMR: Indian Council of Medical Research
IHMI/IHCI: Indian Hypertension Management Initiative, now called India Hypertension Control Initiative
Overdue list: List of patients who have a phone number and who have missed their appointment. Displayed on the nurses' phone.
Organization: One or more facility groups that are part of a single administrative unit
Protocol: Name(s) and dosage(s) of medication recommended to be prescribed to a patient based on their current BP and BP history.
Patient log: List of all patients with a BP recorded in that facility. Displayed on the nurses' phones.
Result of a phone call made with the user's number masked:
Completed: Connected to the patient
Canceled: User cut the call before it was connected
Busy: Patient’s number is giving a busy tone
No answer: Patient did not answer
Failed: Call failed (likely due to bad phone number or operator-level disconnections)
Unknown: Result of the call is unknown
Security PIN: 4 digit PIN used by the Nurse to login to the app
User: User of Simple app (i.e. a healthcare work not a patient)
Last updated
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